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Nose Care

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Nose Care

Management of Epistaxis [Nose Bleed]

Nose bleed is a very common but disturbing symptom, which requires a detailed evaluation. Majority of nose bleeds are mild, but a few may be severe enough to require admission in a hospital. Additionally, it may be a sign of tumour inside the nose sometimes and may need surgery.
Nose Care

Management of Allergy

Allergic rhinitis [runny nose with sneezing] is another common but debilitating symptom which may be treated with medications, immunotherapy or very rarely surgery.
Nose Care

Endoscopic Nasal Surgery

With the advent of endoscopy, nasal surgeries are now being performed safely without causing an external scar. Common surgeries include Septoplasty [correction of deformed septum], Sinus surgery [for sinusitis and nasal polyps], Turbinoplasty [for enlarged turbinates], DCR [done for lacrimal blockage causing watering of eyes] and surgical excision of tumours [both benign and malignant].
Nose Care


Rhinoplasty [Nose job/beautification of nose] is one of the oldest surgeries ever performed. But with time, techniques and methods of performing the surgery have improved. Rhinoplasty is being performed without any external scars.
Nose Care

Management of Nasal Tumours

Nose may be the site of several tumours [both cancerous and non-cancerous]. Early diagnosis and treatment of these tumours is paramount due to proximity of crucial structures such as brain and eye. Common symptoms of tumours include nasal bleeding, nasal blockage, headache which may be similar to common conditions like sinusitis.

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